The MSDP or Agropolitan Development was developed in 2016 at the request of the Nigerian Federal Minister of Environment. This initiative was intended to resolve desertification issues along the 7,775 km Great Green Wall of Africa on Nigeria’s side. The program development is based on Economics, Equity, and Environment and centered on the Jatropha Trees, Planters, “Green” and Sustainable Development.
This structured planting of Jatropha trees is for the production of Crude Jatropha Oil (CJO). The CJO is later processed with standard fuels to produce biofuels product such as Bio-diesel, Bio-petrol/gasoline, Bio-jet fuel, Bio-energy Bio-emission solution, and Bio-heavy fuel. This helps the participating country comply with the world “Go Green” initiative as agreed in the COPS 21 Paris agreement.
The development is divided into Blocks of 15 km by 30 km and 10 km by 10 km depending on location. In places where there is an existing community and the plantation areas are scattered, the size per block is 10 km radius.
The planters were grouped together in a location and given on a twin sharing basis, a fully furnished house sitting on 0.25 hectares of land, a tricycle and a smart TV panel with an internet connection, 4 hectares of plantation land, 8,000 Jatropha saplings, a smartphone, and a business website. The land and house are provided on 60 years lease. The construction cost of the house and other facilities will have to be repaid over an estimated 25 years period through deductions from the proceed of Jatropha fruit.
The Jatropha fruit harvested will be sold to the press mill or a collection center. At the press mill, the Jatropha fruit is processed to become Crude Jatropha Oil (CJO) and Seed Cake. The Crude Jatropha Oil is later processed and blended with standard fuels to produce Biofuels.
Anticipating the concentration of people in a location, the area is developed to become a new community with economic activity (Agro-City or Agropolitan). As such the economic and social needs of this community need to be equally developed such as housing, roads, health, schools, commercial centers, industrial area, administration and facilities, and public amenities and infrastructure. Every block is a self-sustainable township.
In the absence of the National Grid, Electricity required by these development areas will be generated from Waste to Energy Plant (WTE) and Community Grid (powered by Solar Farm) built within the development area.
The WTE plant will also act as the collection center for all types of waste for the community and the surrounding areas. In the plant, various types of waste are sorted and processed into reusable products such as metal, electricity, non-standard diesel oil, non-standard gasoline oil, heavy oil, and crude carbon black. The non-standard diesel oil and non-standard gasoline are blended with Bionas additive to produce standard diesel and standard gasoline. Each WTE plant planned for these areas will have the capacity to process 1,000 tonnes of garbage a day and producing Electricity 12MWh to 20 MWh.
Under this development, the landowners will enter into a Concession Agreement via a Cooperative for 25 years. These lands and the assets on them will be converted into Investment Grade Assets and are registered with the Registrar of Real Property under the International Financial Center/Exchange and can be traded on the Green Counter of Stock Exchange.
The Stakeholder Structure in the Concessionaire Company (SPV):
In addition to the planting of Jatropha trees, the techno planters are required to participate fully in the food security program utilizing the 0.25-hectare land house compound.
The 1st generation of techno planters will be trained to become entrepreneurs. They are expected to employ at least 2 direct workers and creating other 3 direct workers for spin-off industries. Based on the global objective of planting Jatropha trees on 180m hectares of land, the number of direct jobs created shall be 240 million and 318 million indirect jobs. The total jobs expected to be created from the Agropolitan development is 558 million. Whereas the Agropolitan construction activities will create 44 million jobs; 16.5m direct and 27.5m indirect).
More than just growing trees and plants, the Great Green Wall is transforming the lives of millions of people in the Sahel region.